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share energy

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A List: 10 things....

10 Things we practice here in Guatemala that I've never done in my entire life:

1. We grind corn, peanuts and coffee by hand to make tortillas and peanut butter and to drink copious amounts of coffee

2. We pick our meal salad from our garden, every single day, every single meal.

3. We bless our food at every single meal by singing the Meal Chant or the Worms Song (Thank you worms for giving us food! Thank you dirt for giving us food! Our daily bread, we're gonna get fed. Thank you worms for giving us food!)

4. We sing morning and evening prayer mantras, every morning and every night
My favorite is the morning Gayatri Mantra:

Om bhur bhuvah svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimayi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

5. We feed chickens and rabbits everyday (we have BUNNIES!)

6. We hand wash our clothing, all of it, every single piece, and it is hung over a line to dry

7. We make gluten-free sourdough bread twice a week by hand with active yeast (the Mother) and it's delicious.

8. We make kombucha or fermented tea with a big ole mushroom Mother

9. We drink cacao regularly. Cacao has been called the healthiest substance you can put in your body: it is extremely high in antioxidants and rich in agents that enhance serotonin and dopamine, among other benefits.

10. We participated in a Traditional Mayan Ceremonies with a Shaman.

Mind..... blown.

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