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Saturday, November 15, 2014

A List: 10 things...

10 Things I miss from home, in no particular order.. 

Q-Tips this is serious, folks. I cleaned my ears with Q-Tips for the first time in a month and a half and it was beautiful and disgusting all at the same time. 

Baths hot epsom salt baths with ylang ylang and lemon essential oils: get in, soak, and forget about everything else. That is luxury!

Electricity it's nice to read, write, and practice yoga with lights overhead, albeit, dimmed. Holding a flashing limits the use of your hands and if you use a headlamp there is the constant bother of bugs suicide diving into your forehead. 

Movies there is something very notable about putting on a movie and cuddling with Dustin and just being entertained for 2 hours with a good story line. Oh, and Grey's Anatomy and Shark Tank: you can bet there's going to be a Grey's marathon in December. 

Sidewalks this may not be very permaculture of me... but sidewalks and paths are wonderful to take long, refreshing breathwalks or walking meditations.

Exercise getting my blood pumping and sweating from something other than sun salutations and climbing stairs. Cardio, circuit work, aerobics, running.. something! 

Books there are very few things that make me feel more at home than being surrounded by my library. The different titles of all of my great loves shining down on me simultaneously is enough to keep me standing still with large eyes and a big 'ole grin for hours. I can't wait to cherry pick through all of my titles, a good line of poetry from here, Steinbeck quote from here, small yogic detail from this manual...  ah, bliss! 

The San Antonio Spurs I see you, Popovich, giving the ball to Kawhi. And I see you Kawhi, plugging away 28 points. And Danny Green, you're always in my heart. Maaaaanuuuuuu! Manu! Manu! Manuuuuu!  Tony! Timmy! The Red Mamba! Patty Mills! Splitter! I miss the games, I miss the fans,  I miss the black and grey! Go Spurs Go!

My wedding ring Dustin and I made the collective decision to leave our rings back in Texas (that sounds like a country song every time I type it "back in Texas...") when I realized if we were ever approached by someone with an intention of being robbed, I would most likely hand over anything they desired, including my wedding band. Looking back on that decision it seems silly, I feel very safe here in Guatemala. From this perspective, being robbed seems like something more likely to happen in the states. 

My little (big) Indiokitty cat I've been away from him so long that I can't remember his Indioisms. I've given my love to so many kitty cats on my journey and become attuned to their catisms that I feel like a bat kitty cat mama.  I miss you Indio kitty cat, I'm come back for you! 

....and an honorable mention: frozen yogurt. Coffee froyo, pecan froyo, and classic tart with almonds and dark chocolate pieces. Insert Homer Simpson Duff Beer drool here. Orange Leaf, I am yours and I'll see you in December!

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