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Friday, December 5, 2014

The Domestic Animals of The Yoga Forest

Dogs and cats hold a very different role here in The Yoga Forest and the adjacent city of San Marcos than that of the states. The exact opposite role, as a matter of fact. Where stray cats own the streets in the states, making dogs on a leash go crazy, here there are none. Dogs, on the other hand, hang out in groups on street corners like lazy teenagers up to no good. I'll be walking into town and two groups of dogs meet from different directions and a kind of panic washes over me... are they all butt-sniffing friendly or is this about to be a big, bad doggie throw down? While I'm usually planning my escape from possible dog fights, thankfully, all of the interactions have been uneventful, save lots of noisy barking. 

People don't put their dogs on leashes here in Guatemala and the dogs travel where they want, when they want. On many occasions, people arrive at The Yoga Forest with a dog that just followed them up. Cashew is the most common of these stow-away pups, and she always seems to know when and where the party is. She's rambunctious as all get-out and always has to have her snout in something, she's just a typical pup and sweet as can be. 

Cashew, our stow-away pup

Bean calls The Yoga Forest home and in my opinion, is the most handsome dog in all the Forest. He is big and has a deep, intimidating bark. He is gentle but isn't the kind of dog to roll over on his back and be sweet. He's all business and gives every bit of his loyalty to Noe, The Yoga Forest's Guatemalan main man.  

Bean, the most handsome dog in all the forest.
I want to take Honey home with me but Dustin won't let me. She's a little golden mix with the sweetest, softest brown eyes I ever have seen. She's a mess: there are few things she likes more than to roll in dirt. Recently, Noe gave the dogs a bath and the first thing Honey did, still wet from her bath, was roll in dirt, ash and woodchips like her life depended on it. Every single morning she is covered in dirt up to her elbows, exhausted from a night of running around and barking at shadows. She has a high-pitched squeal of a bark that isn't very intimidating, but will make you wonder who swallowed the squeaky toy. When I trek through the forest to go down to town, she almost always comes along with me and leads the way. There are few things in Guatemala that have made me feel love like this pup who treks along with me and it is always waiting for me at The Yoga Forest gate when I arrive back. She is somewhat anti-social and has a hard time adjusting to all of the people coming through the Forest, but her tail is always swinging when she sees me and she's always game for a tummy rub. I love Honey!

My Honey love, the little golden with sweet brown eyes
Isis is Queen Kitty Cat of The Yoga Forest. She is a tiny little thing and unbelievably, full grown. She is the sweetest cat I've ever known and at no point will bite or scratch (which is nothing short of an anomaly for me and my cat experiences). Isis loves tummy rubs and will wiggle like hell to be released if you've captured her on her hunt for food. She is a scavenger and doesn't get fed by humans at The Yoga Forest which is why she can usually be found hanging out with the chickens or bucket diving into the compost in the kitchen. I was impressed with this seemingly vegetarian kitten until I heard her demolish a mouse in the middle of the night. 

Me and Isis, the Queen Kitty Cat.
One of my favorite memories of the animals of The Yoga Forest was waking up the morning of my 31st birthday. It was very quiet for my birthday, we only had a couple staying with us and no interns. I woke up to the sun shining and walked outside to find all three of these animals sitting on our front porch: Bean, Honey and Isis just enjoying the morning, waiting for my arrival (or so I told myself). Gang's all here! It was super sweet. 

While I've enjoyed the TY family of animals, I sure am looking forward to having my Indiokitty back. Dustin and I are working on renting a house in Boerne so we can have our own space and get that rascal back as soon as possible. The day I can snuggle with my Indiokitty on my own bed, in my own space is going to be a damn good day. Oh, and a haircut...I'm a looking a little "Jane of the Jungle" so a haircut will be really nice too..

my discreet and polite Indiokitty

Just a few more days, see you soon Texas! 


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