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Monday, January 26, 2015

Autobiography of a Yogi reading group

Hello friends! 

Recently, I was treated to a screening of the movie  Awake: The Life of Yogananda who is largely credited with bringing yoga to the West in the 1930's. He brought more than the postural yoga (asana), but taught meditation and communicated the ever-expansive idea of consciousness to a Nuclear-minded America. I have been inspired by the movie to read his text, The Autobiography of a Yogi along with a group of friends. We are meeting virtually and physically to discuss and integrate what we are reading. I will  be hosting the reading group and will post discussion questions to titillate conversation and expand understanding of the text. I'd love to have you join our reading group! 

We have a facebook group that you can join here and I will also be posting about the book here on the blog as well. If you're interested, pick up your copy today; it's a bank-breaking 1.99 for the kindle edition. Your degree of involvement is completely up to you: maybe you just read along and post an inspiring quote that resonated with you or maybe you comment on a posted question. Maybe this is your first introduction to the book and you don't read it for years to come, that's acceptable too! There is definitely a shift of consciousness happening right now and inviting these ancient teachings into your life is a great way to expand your consciousness and to feed your mind, body, heart and soul. 

Here are a few excerpts of reviews that appeared with the publication of the book in 1946: 

San Francisco Chronicle: "In a very readable style... Yogananda presents a convincing case for yoga, and those who 'came to scoff' may remain 'to pray.'"

West Coast Review of Books: "Whatever your own religious beliefs, you'll find Autobiography of a Yogi a joyous affirmation of the power of the human soul."

News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana: "Sheer revelation... intensely human account ... should help the human race to understand itself better ... autobiography at its best ... breathtaking... told with delightful wit and compelling sincerity ... as fascinating as any novel."

I do hope you'll join us as we come together as like-minded individuals to encounter all the revelations Yogananda experienced in the company of saints and great masters on his personal journey and realizations of the Divine. 

One Love!

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